

Carathéodory's extension theorem #

Let C be a semiring of sets and m an additive content on C, which is sigma-subadditive. Then all sets in the sigma-algebra generated by C are Carathéodory measurable with respect to the outer measure induced by m. The induced outer measure is equal to m on C.

Main declarations #

Main results #

theorem MeasureTheory.AddContent.ofFunction_eq {α : Type u_1} {C : Set (Set α)} {s : Set α} (hC : IsSetSemiring C) (m : AddContent C) (m_sigma_subadd : m.IsSigmaSubadditive) (m_top : sC, m s = ) (hs : s C) :
(OuterMeasure.ofFunction m ) s = m s

For m : AddContent C sigma-sub-aditive, finite on C, the OuterMeasure given by m coincides with m on C.

theorem MeasureTheory.AddContent.inducedOuterMeasure_eq {α : Type u_1} {C : Set (Set α)} {s : Set α} (hC : IsSetSemiring C) (m : AddContent C) (m_sigma_subadd : m.IsSigmaSubadditive) (hs : s C) :
(inducedOuterMeasure (fun (x : Set α) (x_1 : x C) => m x) ) s = m s

For m : AddContent C sigma-sub-additive, finite on C, the inducedOuterMeasure given by m coincides with m on C.

theorem MeasureTheory.AddContent.isCaratheodory_ofFunction_of_mem {α : Type u_1} {C : Set (Set α)} {s : Set α} (hC : IsSetSemiring C) (m : AddContent C) (m_top : sC, m s = ) (hs : s C) :
theorem MeasureTheory.AddContent.isCaratheodory_inducedOuterMeasure_of_mem {α : Type u_1} {C : Set (Set α)} (hC : IsSetSemiring C) (m : AddContent C) {s : Set α} (hs : s C) :
(inducedOuterMeasure (fun (x : Set α) (x_1 : x C) => m x) ).IsCaratheodory s

Every s ∈ C for an m : AddContent C with IsSetSemiring C is Carathéodory measurable with respect to the inducedOuterMeasure from m.

theorem MeasureTheory.AddContent.isCaratheodory_inducedOuterMeasure {α : Type u_1} {C : Set (Set α)} (hC : IsSetSemiring C) (m : AddContent C) (s : Set α) (hs : MeasurableSet s) :
(inducedOuterMeasure (fun (x : Set α) (x_1 : x C) => m x) ).IsCaratheodory s
noncomputable def MeasureTheory.AddContent.measureCaratheodory {α : Type u_1} {C : Set (Set α)} (m : AddContent C) (hC : IsSetSemiring C) (m_sigma_subadd : m.IsSigmaSubadditive) :

Construct a measure from a sigma-subadditive content on a semiring. This measure is defined on the associated Carathéodory sigma-algebra.

Instances For
    theorem MeasureTheory.AddContent.measureCaratheodory_eq_inducedOuterMeasure {α : Type u_1} {C : Set (Set α)} {s : Set α} (hC : IsSetSemiring C) (m : AddContent C) (m_sigma_subadd : m.IsSigmaSubadditive) :
    (m.measureCaratheodory hC m_sigma_subadd) s = (inducedOuterMeasure (fun (x : Set α) (x_1 : x C) => m x) ) s

    The measure MeasureTheory.AddContent.measureCaratheodory generated from an m : AddContent C on a IsSetSemiring C coincides with the MeasureTheory.inducedOuterMeasure.

    theorem MeasureTheory.AddContent.measureCaratheodory_eq {α : Type u_1} {C : Set (Set α)} {s : Set α} (m : AddContent C) (hC : IsSetSemiring C) (m_sigma_subadd : m.IsSigmaSubadditive) (hs : s C) :
    (m.measureCaratheodory hC m_sigma_subadd) s = m s
    noncomputable def MeasureTheory.AddContent.measure {α : Type u_1} {C : Set (Set α)} [ : MeasurableSpace α] (m : AddContent C) (hC : IsSetSemiring C) (hC_gen : MeasurableSpace.generateFrom C) (m_sigma_subadd : m.IsSigmaSubadditive) :

    Construct a measure from a sigma-subadditive content on a semiring, assuming the semiring generates a given measurable structure. The measure is defined on this measurable structure.

    Instances For
      theorem MeasureTheory.AddContent.measure_eq {α : Type u_1} {C : Set (Set α)} {s : Set α} [ : MeasurableSpace α] (m : AddContent C) (hC : IsSetSemiring C) (hC_gen : = MeasurableSpace.generateFrom C) (m_sigma_subadd : m.IsSigmaSubadditive) (hs : s C) :
      (m.measure hC m_sigma_subadd) s = m s

      The measure defined through a sigma-subadditive content on a semiring coincides with the content on the semiring.