

Notation for the compostition of a measure and a kernel #

This operation, for which we introduce the notation ∘ₘ, takes μ : Measure α and κ : Kernel α β and creates κ ∘ₘ μ : Measure β. The integral of a function against κ ∘ₘ μ is ∫⁻ x, f x ∂(κ ∘ₘ μ) = ∫⁻ a, ∫⁻ b, f b ∂(κ a) ∂μ.

This file does not define composition but only introduces notation for MeasureTheory.Measure.bind μ κ.

Notations #

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Instances For

    Composition of a measure and a kernel.

    Notation for MeasureTheory.Measure.bind

    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For
      theorem MeasureTheory.Measure.comp_apply_univ {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} { : MeasurableSpace α} { : MeasurableSpace β} {μ : Measure α} {κ : ProbabilityTheory.Kernel α β} [ProbabilityTheory.IsMarkovKernel κ] :
      (μ.bind κ) Set.univ = μ Set.univ
      theorem MeasureTheory.Measure.deterministic_comp_eq_map {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} { : MeasurableSpace α} { : MeasurableSpace β} {μ : Measure α} {f : αβ} (hf : Measurable f) :
      theorem MeasureTheory.Measure.swap_comp {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} { : MeasurableSpace α} { : MeasurableSpace β} {μ : Measure (α × β)} :
      theorem MeasureTheory.Measure.const_comp {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} { : MeasurableSpace α} { : MeasurableSpace β} {μ : Measure α} {ν : Measure β} :